The Jefferson County Beekeepers Association was formed in 1970 to allow beekeepers the opportunity to network and share information pertaining to keeping bees in Jefferson County. Most of the founding members have passed away, or moved on to other endeavors. Through the years, the JCBA has served the beekeepers in the area well. It has hosted several events including a Missouri State Beekeepers Association meeting in the old Mapaville firehouse, presented a panel of experts program, given numerous beekeeping classes, and held a program about apitherapy at Jefferson College. Today the Jefferson County Beekeepers Association is involved with many groups throughout the county and surrounding areas. The goals of the JCBA are to:
- Provide an informative monthly meeting dedicated to beekeeping and other related topics
- Offer aid and assistance to local beekeepers
- Promote honey and honey products
- Offer Beginning Beekeeping Classes
- Inform and educate the general public about the role honeybees play in nature and agriculture
- Assist landowners with nuisance bees, swarms, and established colonies